Why are Medicine Cabinets in the Bathroom?
Bathroom Ideas

Why are Medicine Cabinets in the Bathroom?

Cagan Semiz
Friday, July 9, 2021
  Read 783 times

Why are Medicine Cabinets in the Bathroom?

We need to ask big questions regarding storage spaces while designing bathrooms; the objects of these questions may vary from towels and other large items to toothbrushes, soaps, and daily medications. When it comes to small things, the question is about the balance between storage and accessibility. If you want to keep all your small items insight, this might easily create an untidy environment. When you store them in a box and put the box in a cupboard, on the other hand, it might be impractical since you need to reach them every day at least once. Medicine cabinets, at this point, are intelligent storage options. Here is a detailed look at their advantages and disadvantages:

Advantage 1: As written above, it makes things much easier for people to have their daily products at their fingertips whenever needed. It stores everyday items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, contact lenses, and contact solutions in a convenient and accessible manner.

Advantage 2: Medicine cabinets seem a bit cold and boring, right? That’s not entirely wrong. In conventional designs of medicine cabinets, we often encounter big and inelegant frames. Today, however, they come in a variety of styles, sizes, colors, etc. So you can choose the best one (a wall-mounted cabinet or a recessed cabinet) depending on the overall tone, size, and color of your bathroom.

Advantage 3: When combined with a decorative mirror, medicine cabinets provide you with all you need during your bathroom visits in the mornings. They are placed at the perfect height above the sink and, together with a pretty mirror, they create a stylish look in the bathroom. While some designers think you can survive without a medicine cabinet, others say that keeping everything in drawers is quite annoying.

Advantage 4: When the time comes for you to sell your home, this accessible storage space will boost the value of your bathroom. It is appealing to potential buyers since it increases the functionality of the area.

Disadvantage 1: If you decide on having a recessed cabinet, you may have to spend too much money if some structure inside the wall is difficult or costly to take away, such as electrical wiring or existing plumbing.

Disadvantage 2: Medicine cabinet is the perfect solution to store small items that you need to access daily. However, they have limited storage space and remain insufficient to keep all the things in the bathroom. Therefore, they are not the best option for you if you need larger storage space.

Having a medicine cabinet is the perfect way to keep the medications and hygiene products near the bathroom sink. Head to our catalog to see a variety of options!

Cagan Semiz
Civil Engineer,2021

He graduated from Istanbul Technical University/Turkey in 2021 as a Civil Engineer. He worked as an intern on some projects. He writes a blog to talk about his experiences.


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