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Why partner with us?

Partnering with VanitySale.Com means benefiting from 20+ years of online sales experience, excellent customer service, and industry-leading e-commerce technology.

VanitySale.Com is dedicated to making beautiful and comfortable homes accessible by helping customers easily and confidently find just what they want for less. With millions of email subscribers and unique visitors per month, our current customers are your future customers.

Brand Exposure

Get your product in front of millions of new potential customers every month.

Partner Platform & Services

Enjoy dedicated email support and powerful online training tools.

Supplier Oasis Fulfillment

Maximize shipping speeds and minimize cost with a broad suite of fast freight and consignment services.

CO-OP Marketing

Increase your brand and product visibility through beautiful eye catching paid ad placements.

Customer Data & Analytics

Explore real-time dashboards and comprehensive reporting that help you optimize marketing and drive business forward.

B2B & Government Sales

Expand your professional and government customer base through VanitySale.Com Pro.

How Selling Works

Complete Our Survey

Tell us about your business and we'll review your product assortment, pricing, and operational capabilities. We'll contact you within a few weeks if your business aligns with VanitySale.Com's initiatives.

Set Up an Account

After our review, use our streamlined onboarding process to set up your account, build SKUs, and begin merchandising your products.

Sell Your Products

Once your products are on site, you'll manage orders, fulfillment, and more on our partner platform, which makes selling your products simple and easy.

Maximize Your Potential

Increase your brand’s visibility and reach by leveraging site wide sales and promotions, advertising options, and enhanced content opportunities.

Get Paid!

Take advantage of VanitySale.Com's flexible options and competitive payment terms that make it easy to collect your profits and grow your business online.