We bring home goods products that we have carefully selected from all over the world directly to you from the factory and bring the cheapest and best quality products to your home. Our energetic team is working to offer you the best experience.
Company information
VanitySale.com is owned by MCS Home Goods LLC company founded in 2019 by M.Can Semiz as an American internet retailer in Cliffside Park, New Jersey. This company is continuing to sell in Union City, NJ as Bathroom Vanities & Home Furniture & Personel Care & Bathroom fixtures & Sinks and Tiles&Mosaics
- Customer Service Chat: Online Chat
- Customer Service: +1 (858) 290-1961
- Customer Service email: info@vanitysale.com
- Our Warehouse & Head Office 109 45th Street Union City, NJ
- Founded: May 2018.
Company Warehouse&Shipment ManagementOur aim regarding warehouse and shipment; To raise our company to higher levels, we continue to be renewed in this regard.
Our warehouse worker It has now been renewed, and we attach great importance to being a more attentive, durable, regular, flexible employee. It is the duty of our warehouse personnel to sort and arrange the products in the warehouse according to the determined order and to prevent any damage.
At the same time, another issue we attach importance to is that our shipments are organized and accessible. Our staff is also more careful in organizing the shipping vehicle, making the shipments on time and completely, and making complete deliveries.
Product Development Department
It is our goal to increase the market share of our company and our brand, taking into account the changing market conditions and differences in consumer demand.
Our new team is our goal to improve the design and marketing steps of existing products and to design new products, increasing the products of our company with more aesthetic, special and affordable prices every day.