Large Bathroom Vanity 5 Ideas for Your Bathroom
Bathroom Ideas

Large Bathroom Vanity 5 Ideas for Your Bathroom

M.Can Semiz
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
  Read 1162 times

Large Bathroom Vanity 5 Ideas for Your Bathroom

Take your time drawing some inspiration from large bathroom vanity ideas

Very few of us can indulge in the luxury of having spacious bathrooms. And those who could easily host a party for 10 people there without being crammed cheek by jowl are the luckiest ones. Enjoying more space allows you to combine styles and play with different large bathroom design ideas, colors, and patterns. Are you wondering where you should start? With your vanity, of course.

Go-to vanities to consider along with other large bathroom décor ideas

Having a roomy bathroom means there are quite a lot of things to think through. First, it requires good planning. Second, you want to take maximum advantage of your ample space – from the walls to the floor. And finally, your vanity should match it. That is why it should be large, too.

Teensy-weensy freestanding and corner vanities can enhance smallish bathrooms. But your large one needs something different. Zero in on the options you will rave about.

Double-sink vanities

If there’s plenty of space, it would be wrong not to create several washing areas. This large bathroom design idea is especially worth it for lovebirds and families. Start by opting for a double-sink vanity with a set of drawers for each of its two parts. 72-inch cabinets will be apt to accommodate a couple of washing units, and you can further complement them with two beautiful mirrors.

Furniture-look vanities

When mulling over the ideas for large bathrooms, think of how much storage you need for all those essentials. To keep them in order, you can go ahead with a modern furniture-style vanity. There are cabinets that look like credenzas or chests of drawers that offer more storage space than you could imagine. Bathroom organizers will also be great to top these vanities off.

Timeless wood vanities

If your vast bathroom comes with windows, it makes the best place to install a classic wood vanity. Besides an airy feel, natural light will keep it dry, minimizing mold and mildew risks that can affect your cabinet’s look. To brighten it up more, get frameless mirrors for their reflective beauty. Then stick with big bathroom décor ideas that don’t limit pouring light.

Industrial vanities

Who said a bathroom is the wrong place to make a bold statement in your interior design? Get the most out of your ample space by combining colors and styles in your industrial vanity. Dark options with rugged metal features at the bottom and a bowl sink on countertops will transform your bathroom with a touch of modernity.

Floating vanity sets

Floating vanities are usually the top choices when you need to free up some floor space. However, they can also be coupled with wall-mounted side cabinets and LED mirrors that are better for roomy places. These large bathroom vanity ideas embrace a massive boost of elegance, providing the feeling of luxe with sufficient storage space.

Why not take a closer look at each of these? We have modern bathroom vanities for all tastes and sizes. From 108-inch double-sink options to sleek floating sets, our assortment is endless. Explore the best ideas for large bathrooms with VanitySale!

M.Can Semiz
Civil Engineer,1992

He graduated from BlackSea Technical University/Turkey in 1992 as a Civil Engineer. He worked on many different construction projects. In 2018, he stopped working in construction projects to deal with e-commerce business and gave all his workforce to the e-commerce site named


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