How to Make a Mosaic Tile Floor?
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How To Install

How to Make a Mosaic Tile Floor?

Cagan Semiz
Monday, July 26, 2021
  Read 2241 times

How to Make a Mosaic Tile Floor?

A mosaic tile floor is often the first option in a bathroom since it gives an elegant and classic look. Anyone with moderate skills can easily make a mosaic tile floor by following the instructions below:
First, visit a tile store or do an online search to see the available options. In terms of both style and material, there are many available options. You can choose one material from the options such as porcelain, glass, stones, and seashells, or you can mix different materials. Meanwhile, you can also learn some creative design ideas from the staff or online guides.
Once you’ve chosen the tile and decided on a pattern, prepare the surface. Tiles can be applied to almost any surface, but you should make sure the surface is ready. This means that you need to score the surface with the help of a utility knife so that it is no longer too smooth. In addition, the tile mortar needs a rigid surface to grab on to.
Make sure that you have enough tiles for the work area. On the sides and corners, you may need to cut smaller pieces of tile. Measure the site beforehand to see if this is the case and if so, use a tile nibbler to cut pieces in the needed size.
Coat the surface lightly with watered-down glue. Mix thinset, also known as mortar, until it reaches the consistency level of peanut butter and makes it rest for 10 minutes. Then apply a light coat of thin-set and spread it over the surface with the help of a notched trowel.
Apply your tiles to the floor according to the already drawn pattern. Once the mortar has dried, apply tile grout to all the spaces you left between the tiles. Contrary to common knowledge, grout is available in many different colors so you can choose the most suitable one for your tiles among the available options. Next, spread the grout all over the gaps between the tiles using a grout trowel, and then clean the excess with the help of a sponge. Before cleaning, you need to wait for about 20 minutes so that the grout sets.
As an optional final phase, you can seal the mosaic with varnish. Covering the tiles with varnish will protect them from any damage. Varnish also gives a shiny effect so that the colors of the mosaics can stand out.
Mosaic tiles come at many different prices. Therefore, the total cost is up to the budget you would like to allocate for this project. The whole process of installing mosaic tiles on the bathroom floor might take two days. Keep this info in mind and start building your mosaic tile floor now!

Cagan Semiz
Civil Engineer,2021

He graduated from Istanbul Technical University/Turkey in 2021 as a Civil Engineer. He worked as an intern on some projects. He writes a blog to talk about his experiences.


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