Ceramic is produced by mixing clay, kaolin, quartz, and feldspar materials obtained from nature in a certain ratio. These materials are pressed into a dough and then baked at a high temperature above 1100 degrees. The front of the ceramics is covered with a protective layer that we call glaze.
Ceramic is healthy and ecological (does not harm the environment) because it is produced from materials obtained from nature and natural ways. Faience, on the other hand, is the other name for glazed tiles or ceramics. Porcelain shower tiles, named after the city of Faenza in Italy, were originally found in the east. It was widely made and used by Arabs and Turks before Europeans used it.
However, it was referred to as porcelain shower tile or ceramic, not faience. At first, when most of the white floor was left empty, in simpler examples, the decoration is only with a single figure or heraldic crest, the tiles traditionally made in the form of a wreath surrounding them, It became common in the form of plates, jars, and bowls in the 18th century.
Pictures were drawn in vivid colors from daily life on these containers, Tables depicting national events, Humorous sentences from the name of the owner, and commercial emblems were placed. It was later used as a building material. Ceramics and 24x48 porcelain tile, which are indispensable for our living spaces today, are among the assertive products of our company.
As you can see on our website, you will be able to easily access the color, design, and price information of the products thanks to the product codes. You will have the products you like in a short time and you will be able to easily make the coating by skilled people.